Concept: Raissa Avilés.
Texts and Music: Raissa Avilés, Balázs Várnai.
Arrangements: Alix Logiaco
Direction: Raul Vargas Torres.
Performers: Raissa Avilés, Rocco Schira, Alix Logiaco.
Stage set-up and costumes: Rocco Schira.
Light Design: Marzio Picchetti.
Production: Matrioska.
Distribution: ZONA’B.
Duration: about 55 minutes.
An extraordinary and tragicomic performative concert goes far beyond music, with a mariachi musician in stilettos, a glittering cowboy, futuristic cabaret outfits and a mixture of electro, jazz and pop.
But behind the dazzling façade there lurk contradictions and hopes with which the performers ironically formulate a demand for autonomy of political, sentimental and artistic identity, wondering if this is possible in a context of constant compromise between violence and security, control and freedom.
In the staging by Raul Vargas Torres, songs and stage action do not overlap but burst into each other, reshuffling the hierarchy of languages and playing with different genres and styles, creating a hybrid aesthetic universe that draws on Mexican folk tradition, the varieté, Western and the pop universe. The mostly original pieces written by Raissa Avilés and Balazs Varnai with some versions, range from folklore to Indie with winks to baroque and jazz, embellished and amalgamated by the arrangements with piano, rodes and electronic keyboard by Alix Logiaco.
Raissa Avilés for this show seeks out the help of artists with whom she has already shared productions in different fields, both theatrical and musical. In so doing she declines the different pages of her artistic path in search of a personal and sincere language.
Maybe a concert thus also becomes an opportunity to experiment with the vocal flexibility that distinguishes the Ticinese performer in a dialogue with the performative body, looking now for spaces for experimentation, now for moments of extreme and disarming simplicity.
Was performed at:
Teatro Sociale Bellinzona, Bellinzona (CH).
La Straordinaria Tour Vagabonde, Lugano (CH).
Territori Festival 2023, Bellinzona (CH).
Zürcher Theater Spektakel 2023, Zurich (CH).
Teatro Foce, Lugano (CH).
Palazzo Congressi, Muralto (CH).
Festival FIRA B!, Mallorca (ES).